Her Campus: Her Conference
Everything,  Outfit Of The Day

Goodbye Bad Vibes and Hello Good Vibes (OOTD and Update)

Hello darling! Getting all dressed up to meet powerful, dedicated people who are in positions you either admire or hope to one day be in can be scary. I mean, what do you even wear? I can’t even tell you how many different outfits I tried on for Her Conference before I decided to go for, yes, the first dress I tried on (on sale right now). Don’t you hate when that happens?

Her Conference was a blast. Wait cross that out… Her Conference was inspirational. It was a breath of fresh air, in a weird invasive way, hearing that all these incredible role models struggled finding their path. All of the different courses they took to end where they are now spoke so much to me. Bottom line being: everyone struggles but eventually you’ll find your footing. 

Her Campus: Her ConferenceHer Campus: Her Conference

Hearing that is something that needs to be shouted from roof tops and heard past the mountains. Today, in society, we often see how put together everyone is. May it be through Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or even these blogs, it just seems like everyone has found the button that says “make life great and easy” while some of us are stuck in a wad of gum. Thats why it is so important hearing the “before” story and sometimes even the “during” story. The only problem is most people don’t want to talk about all the little hiccups they’ve had on the way. The thing is, those little hiccups make you who you are. The time you got rejected from that dream job, that time you spilt coffee all over your proposal, or even the time you decided to step back because you just simply had too much on your plate. You may call these minuscule things setbacks or failures but they’re not. They make you who you are, and you are a remarkable person.

Her Campus: Her ConferenceHer Campus: Her Conference

With that in mind, I’m trying to discontinue negative influences in my life and start bringing in more positive vibes. Whether that be unfollowing anyone on Instagram who seems as if they are adding a negative vibe to my life or adding people who may share body positivity, motivation, or just simply laughter to my life. I firmly believe that the people who you are drawn to and become friends with explain who you are as an individual. When you see a friend who is maybe nice to you but mean to others, step back and think to yourself if you would do the same. If you wouldn’t, maybe it is time to say goodbye to that person. If you incorporate positive people in your life and you will have a positive life.


Her Campus: Her Conference

Now, I hope that wasn’t too “deep” or whatever. My blog tends to be light and fluffy sometimes but now that I’m an ‘adult’ *cough* *cough* not really *cough*, I thought I would share my vast 22-year-old wisdom. But, no really, I would love to know your thoughts on this and/or any personal experiences you’ve had with incorporating more positive influences in your life. I would love some advice so leave a comment down below.

As always,

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