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5 Resolutions You Can Actually Keep

Happy New Year! It’s that time of the year where we see these posts flooding into our feeds. I decided to join the bandwagon and share some of my easy to keep resolutions.

Get Outside More

It is so easy to get stuck underneath the covers watching Netflix during these cold months (especially now when there is a bomb cyclone going on). That is why I am trying to force myself to go outside more whether it be taking blog photos, playing with my pups, or simply just taking a walk. Now, if you’re in the New England area you may think I’m insane for even mentioning this because it’s been negative all week and we’re having this crazy snow storm. But it is possible to bundle up and go for a nice walk once the storm has stopped. I was able to do this past weekend in -14°F weather.

Learn How to Balance Social Media and Personal Life

This is definitely something all of us bloggers are very guilty of. I can’t seem to keep my hands off my phone and my eyes off Instagram, Facebook, WordPress and all of the guilty pleasure apps. This year, I’m trying figure out how to balance my time between playing on my phone and actually being a part of the world. It actually helped this past weekend when I was away. I hope to have more weekends where I forget I even have a phone. Simple tricks like leaving your phone upstairs or in your car when you have dinner, putting in on airplane mode, or just shoving it at the bottom of your purse can all help.

Be Healthier

It’s so easy to add to your New Year’s resolution to lose weight or to fit into a certain size but it’s a self-damaging task. What really matters if you’re healthy and you feel good in your own skin. Which is why I’m this year I plan on working on my self-love and bringing that into perspective with who I want to be. I plan on not only working on my physical health but my mental health as well. I think pilates is something that really helps me with both so I plan on doing more pilates this year.

Find More Socially Sustainable/Eco-friendly Companies

You may have noticed that I’m slowly getting more and more into socially sustainable and eco-friendly companies. Companies like feed, the giving keys, and Half United have been some of my favorite companies of 2017. I hope to find more companies that I love and share them with you. One thing you can do for your New Year’s resolution is to buy more locally produced goods that will help your own community.

Be More Positive

I’m naturally a pretty positive person, but I’ve noticed my attitude can go a little south when I’m hungry or tired… I mean who doesn’t? This year I’m trying to be more positive by coming up with something to be positive every single morning. You can do the same by jotting down one thing that you’re positive about when you wake up and again before you go to bed. I used to do this when I was in high school and I love looking back on all the things that made me happy.

Bonus Resolution: Grow my blogging community.

This one is definitely one for the bloggers out there. In 2017 I nearly doubled my engagement and followers and I want to continue that trend in 2018. That is why this year I plan on writing more engaging content and engaging with more bloggers. In December, I went to my first blogger conference with 85 Connecticut based bloggers. It was so interesting and rewarding to hear what works and doesn’t work for them. This year I want to go to more events and meet with more bloggers to expand my knowledge. I also want to engage with more of your blogs and Instagrams to see what you have to say. Lastly, I would like to grow my audience on both this page and on my Instagram page.

What is your New Year’s Resolution? Let me know in the comments down below.

As always,

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