My Best Accessory is a Water Bottle: March Goal Update
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My Best Accessory is a Water Bottle: March Goal Update

Remember back in this post where I swore off single-use plastic cups for the month of March? Well, I decided to do a recap and update you on my progress. Back in January, I started drinking protein smoothies from Fresh Monkee. After getting a single-use cup every single week they really started to add up. I decided to do something about it and get a cup that I can bring to the shop.

My Best Accessory is a Water Bottle: March Goal Update

Sweater (Thrifted) | Jeans (3 years old) | Shoes (4 years old) | Water bottle

It Got Easier to Ask a Waitress

Back at the beginning of March, I was very awkward asking the waitress if she could make my drink in my cup. It eventually became very easy. Actually, I was shocked that not once did a waitress tell me she couldn’t put a drink in my cup. I even had waitresses ask me where my water bottle was from because they loved it so much! My worries were overthought, how typical.

I Messed Up Three Times:

  • My brother and his fiancé just moved into their new house and all the cups were in storage. We decided to celebrate with champagne in single-use cups.
  • After I was having a really rough day, I decided to treat myself to a milkshake at Shake Shack.
  • I was craving something sweet in Maine and decided to get a chai latte. I forgot my reusable cup at home.

Making Mistakes Isn’t the End of the World

Just because I messed up three times this month does not mean I alone am killing sea creatures and filling up the landfills at insane rates. No. It does point out the fact that I am human and I’m going to make mistakes. The part of my little challenge was to become more aware of what I’m consuming. So instead of getting a protein smoothie in a single-use cup, I now use this water bottle from Jade (I swear it can double as a weapon). Instead of getting a chai tea in a single-use cup, I use a Joco cup. Lastly, at trade shows I never use a single-use water bottle and I always bring one of my water bottles. Small changes matter.

My Best Accessory is a Water Bottle: March Goal Update
My Best Accessory is a Water Bottle: March Goal Update

So there you have it, my best accessory will forever be a water bottle or a reusable cup. I’ve always carried around water bottles for water but after making simple changes for smoothies and tea I feel like a weight has been lifted off me.

Multi-Use Bags and Cups

[shopr_shopthepost collection=”plasticfree”]

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How do you feel about single-use plastic? Do you carry a reusable water bottle everywhere? Let me know in the comments down below.

As always,

Peculiar Porter - Logan Porter

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    • PeculiarPorter

      Thank you so much, Emily! Carrying around a water bottle is the perfect reminder to drink lots of water!

  • Ivana Split

    what a pretty spring outfit! love your jeans and blouse combo….so chic.
    That water bottle is adorable, I can see why everyone likes it, even the waitresses. Sometimes we do overthink things. I felt the same way when I started to ask waiters to not put a straw in my drinks (to save the enviroment) and not once have they complained, they don’t mind it at all.

    • PeculiarPorter

      Thank you so much! I really need to get better at remembering to ask my waiter to not put a straw in my drink. I always forget! Thank you for this great reminder.

    • PeculiarPorter

      Thank you so much, Jessica! It is definitely something that takes a while to get used to but once you start it becomes second nature!

    • PeculiarPorter

      I couldn’t agree more! So many areas are getting more friendly with having water fountains and accepting reusable cups. It’s lovely!

  • Caitlin

    I need to prioritize drinking more water, it makes such a big difference! This water bottle is so adorable. Love that there’s so many fun waterbottles out there!

    • PeculiarPorter

      I couldn’t agree more! I drink so much water throughout the day (my boyfriend makes fun of my constantly) but it really helps your skin and make you feel more awake. Plus, water bottles tend to a be a fun accessory – haha!

  • Ashley

    You are doing your part, lady- we could all take a page from your book! I would be like you- totally worried at first that someone was going to tell me I couldn’t use my own bottle. I love that so many people have been open to this! We need less single-use plastic in the world, FOR SURE.

    Le Stylo Rouge

    • PeculiarPorter

      Oh my goodness, your kind words just made my day! It’s something I’m slowly trying to work on. I think what really matters is that people are trying to be more conscious and are trying to be better. We don’t need 1 “perfect” person we need a 1,000 “trying” people!

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